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Year 6 Christianity & Humanism The Big Bang Theory (Spring 1)

Are Humanist and Christian ideas about science, conflicting or complementary? Does the Big Bang Theory disprove the Genesis account on Creation?


Session 1 How does the book of Genesis explain how the world began and where humans came from?

KEY WORDS Conflicting; Complementary; Genesis; Creation

Explore the key question and understand the terms conflicting and complementary.

Watch the video-clip which introduces a range of creation stories and links to science teaching.


The main focus is on the Christian version of Creation which is at the very start of the Bible in the book of Genesis.

Discussion make connections to prior learning about this narrative. Use Bibles or Bible gateway on iPads to read together.

TASK Compare three different translations on Bible Gateway making notes of the differences and similarities which are found.

How do pupils feel - is the Genesis account conflicting or complementary to science?

  • Can you retell the Biblical version of Creation?

How does the scientific work of Dr Wiseman compliment or conflict with her beliefs?

Find out about the work and beliefs of Dr Jennifer Wiseman who is a scientist with a focus on astronomy (astrophysicist), works as a senior scientist for Nasa and has a Christian worldview. She even has a comet named after her.

Discuss this quote.

“I view the fact that we can look at the stars, look at the heavens, and even have scientific understanding of them as a gift from God and a sign that we have significance in that way. That we can recognize our connection to the universe, understand some of its meaning.”

What does this tell you about Jennifer Wiseman and her beliefs?

There are many clips on the page listed here. Look for her personal story parts one and two.

Pupils to investigate her life, belief and work and present as a fact file.

Add a final question to the fact file on whether you think Dr Wiseman’s work as an astrophysicist is complementary or conflicting with her Christian beliefs?


Watch this clip which introduces a range of creation stories and links to science teaching. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/articles/zvfp382

There are many clips on the page listed here. Look for her personal story parts one and two. https://www.testoffaith.com/resources/resources.aspx?resource=true&catid=13&id=156

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