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Prospective Governors

Huntington CP School - Information for prospective governors
Who are the school governors and what do they do?
Every school has a governing body made up of various members of the community. The governing body at Huntington CP School is made up of a maximum of 14 members. The governing body works closely with the Headteacher, who is responsible for the day to day management of the school. The governing body is part of the school leadership team; their role is a strategic one with the following key functions:

  • set the aims and objectives for the school
  • set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
  • be a source of challenge and support to the headteacher (a critical friend)

 School governors are expected to:

  • attend the regular and special meetings of the governing body - there is at least one meeting each term
  • work as a member of the governing body (not as an individual) in the best interests of the school
  • show an interest in school activities
  • become well-informed about education in general and about their school in particular
  • become familiar with the rules of school governance
  • attend necessary training courses.

In addition, individual governors will usually be involved in some of the following activities, often through groups or committees which report back to the main body:

  • staff appointments
  • the financial management of the school
  • pupil discipline
  • the curriculum
  • the training of governors
  • liaising with parents and other stakeholders on behalf of the governing body
  • community links

Hopefully while you are a governor you will gain:

  • the knowledge that you are helping schools and pupils
  • the satisfaction of giving something back to the community
  • a sense of purpose and achievement
  • new skills which may be useful elsewhere
  • broader horizons
  • training and support in order to help you fulfil your duties and responsibilities

We hope you will be able to offer:

  • time (research shows that most governors give about 20 hours per term to meetings, reading documents, visiting the school and attending training)
  • commitment.
  • a willingness to learn
  • a listening ear
  • the ability to assimilate information, make judgements and take decisions
  • flexibility
  • tact
  • ability to work as part of a team

Further information can be found by asking existing members of the governing body (see Governors page for details), and on the following websites:

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